Governors Promise Hope As Nigeria Celebrates 25th Democracy Day


Nigerian governors have taken turns to promise hope for citizens in their respective states, as Nigeria celebrates the 25th anniversary of her democracy.

After congratulating Nigerians on their 25th year of unbroken democracy anniversary, the Imo state Governor, Hope Uzodimma said the attainment of the feat, is due to the scarifies of Nigerian heroes and nationalists.

“It is evident that Nigeria is on a journey of irreversible economic growth and greatness among the comity of nations,” he said, adding that although the democratic journey has not been smooth sail in the past 25 years, however, there was no doubt that Nigerians are determined to defend her democracy notwithstanding.

He saluted the resilience of Nigerians who turned out to cast their votes for the sustenance of democracy year in and year out, including those who have died.

The governor added that no matter the inherent weakness in Nigeria’s democracy, which unconscionable people exploit for their selfish interest, the fact remained that democracy as a form of government, remained the best option for humanity as it guarantees freedom of choice, justice, fair play, equity and inclusion.

Governor Uzodimma said for Nigeria, there was no other viable alternative, especially with a committed democrat in the saddle in the person of President Bola Tinubu, who has tackled governance challenges with uncommon dedication.

He therefore urged Nigerians, to persevere in the face of the current global economic challenges, however following the steps the federal government is taking for economic recovery, Nigeria will emerge victorious as the end will undoubtedly justice the means.

For the people of Imo state, the governor pledged to remain transparent and accountable in the governance of the state, and ensure that everyone becomes an active participant in the governance of the state.

Priotise Citizens’ Welfare, Promote Participatory Democracy- Sani
Governor Uba Sani of Kaduna State has urged political actors to shun ant-democratic tendencies, and commit themselves to the promotion of democratic culture and citizenship.

He also called on political leaders to work assiduously to strengthen institutions saddled with the promotion and protection of democracy in Nigeria.

In his message to commemorate Democracy Day, Governor Sani commended the citizens for embracing democracy and defending it with their blood and sweat, noting that democracy remains the best system of government despite its imperfections.

Governor Sani however asked political actors, especially those saddled with running governments to frontally address poverty, and unemployment and ensure food security, which are what will make meaning to people as a democracy.

He said “On the auspicious occasion of Nigeria’s Democracy Day, I join our fellow compatriots and lovers of democracy to salute the men and women who laid down their lives for the enthronement of democracy in our dear country. I remember the inimitable Chief MKO Abiola, GCFR, legendary Chief Gani Fawehinmi, SAN, Dr. Beko Ransome-Kuti, Chima Ubani and other pro-democracy, human rights and labour activists who fought the military adventurists to a standstill so that we can enjoy the freedom that comes with democracy.

“It is because of this realisation that since the inception of our government in May 2023, we have been running a pro-people and development-centered administration. We have committed ourselves to bringing succour to the poor, vulnerable and underserved in Kaduna State. We are revitalizing education to ensure accessible, affordable and quality education for children of the underprivileged in Kaduna State. We are boosting agriculture through sustained provision of agricultural inputs and equipment to smallholder farmers and small-scale agro-processors”.

“We are stimulating the economy through support to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. We have ramped up our Rural Transformation Drive aimed at revitalising the rural economies, fighting poverty and bridging the rural-urban divide.

“We are indeed bringing development closer to the people. In all we do, we consult with the people, get their input and incorporate them into our policies, programmes and projects. We are servants of the people and must at all times be accountable to them”.

“As we celebrate June 12, our Democracy Day, let us remember that sovereignty belongs to the people. The people must be at the centre of all our political calculations. The people must be at the centre of development. If we push the people to the background, we imperil our democracy”

‘We Are On A Journey To Irreversible Economic Growth’- Uzodimma
On his part, Governor of Imo State, Hope Uzodinma, said it was a thing of joy as Nigerians celebrate, adding that the country was on its way to irreversible economic growth and greatness.

“It is a thing of joy that Nigeria and Nigerians are today celebrating 25 years of unbroken Democracy. That means we have come of age and that Democracy as a system of government has come to stay. While I congratulate all Nigerians for this remarkable feat, I use this opportunity to salute our heroes and nationalists whose sweat and blood watered this beautiful system of government that we are enjoying. Because of their various sacrifices, it is now evident that we are on a journey to irreversible economic growth and greatness among the comity of nations.

“Although our democratic journey has not been a smooth sail in these past 25 years, there is no doubt that Nigerians are determined to defend it, the system’s imperfections notwithstanding. I therefore salute the resilience of our citizens who, year in and year out, had turned out to cast their votes for the sustenance of democracy. For those who died in the process, I am sure that their deaths will never be in vain.

“Because we have gone this far in our democratic journey, we must ensure we don’t look back. No matter the inherent weaknesses in our democracy, which some unconscionable people exploit for their selfish interests, the fact remains that democracy as a form of government remains the best option for humanity. Indeed, it has been tried and tested, and the result remains that it is one system that guarantees all of us freedom of choice, justice, fair play, equity, and inclusion,” he said.

Uzodinma argued that for Nigeria, there was no other viable alternative, especially now that the country has a committed democrat on the saddle in President Ahmed Bola Tinubu as its leader.

“He has tackled governance challenges with uncommon dedication, and the results are there after one year in office, he said.

He added, “Let me use this auspicious opportunity to urge Nigerians to persevere in the face of the current global economic challenges with its consequences for our country. However, I am confident that although we are experiencing economic hardships presently in the country, there is no doubt that we will emerge more robustly because the steps the federal government is taking are the right ones for our economic recovery. I, therefore, urge all patriotic Nigerians to be patient, as the end will undoubtedly justify the means.

“For the good people of Imo State, we have worked together to deliver democracy dividends in the last four years. The fruits are there for all to enjoy. We have fully recovered our state from those who wished to enslave us. We have fully reconstructed and constructed our critical infrastructure while the rehabilitation process moves at a more incredible speed. But most importantly, we are in a state where the voices of the ordinary man and woman are heard and respected,” he said.

On the occasion of the 2024 democracy day, Uzodinma pledged to remain transparent and accountable in the governance of the state.

“In doing so, I will ensure that we all are active participants in the governance of our state. To me, that is the essence of democracy,” he added.

Democracy Is Rooted- Governor Muhammed
Speaking on Wednesday in Bauchi State, Governor Bala Mohammed said it was clear that democracy is not only rooted, but has also come to stay in Nigeria.

“That we are today celebrating the 25th Democracy Day is a testimony to the fact that democratic governance has not only been firmly rooted but has also come to stay in Nigeria.

“There is no better alternative to democracy as a form of government that gives the people the right to choose who to govern them and how they want to be governed.

“It is now one year since I was re-elected to serve the good people of Bauchi State for another four years. My re-election is a testimony of the confidence reposed in our Administration by the good people of Bauchi State,” he said.

On the performance of his administration, Mohammed said he performed creditably in various spheres of human endeavour, ranging from the construction of roads in both urban and rural areas, construction and rehabilitation of schools and health facilities, water supply, supply of agricultural inputs and machinery, human capital development through economic empowerment, among many other initiatives.

“I want to assure you that we will not only sustain the tempo during our second tenure but will strive to improve upon our performance,” he said, adding that the various projects executed during his first term were in line with his “My Bauchi Project,” a blueprint developed before his election in 2019.

“To improve on our performance during our first term, a technical committee was constituted to review the blueprint to assessing the level of delivery of dividends of democracy and recommend how to address any grey areas and the way forward.

“With the review of the blueprint, our second tenure is witnessing aggressive execution of life-touching projects across the State. While completing all ongoing projects, new ones have been embarked upon. Infrastructural development in the areas of road construction, construction and rehabilitation of educational and health facilities, water supply, agricultural inputs and machinery would continue to receive the desired attention. Priority would also be given to human capital development through economic empowerment, especially for our teeming youth. Security is also on our priority list. We would, therefore, continue to collaborate with and support security agencies to rid the State of crime and criminal elements.

“Like most other States, Bauchi State Government depends almost entirely on funds from the Federation Account as its source of revenue. Due to uncertainty in the global oil market, there is a need for us to look inward to diversify our economy. This will entail boosting agriculture through the provision of adequate inputs, encouragement of farm mechanisation and deployment of extension workers to guide our farmers for improved crop production and animal husbandry. The solid minerals and tourism sectors would also be given the priority they deserve. Government would also continue to provide an enabling environment to facilitate the ease of doing business for the establishment of new commercial enterprises and improve the existing ones. Small and medium enterprises would also be supported to thrive

“Let me, at this juncture, reiterate the commitment of my administration to accountability and transparency in governance. The resources at our disposal would continue to be judiciously used for the common good of the people of the State. We would continue to ensure value for money for the projects that would be executed. To this end, the resources we have would be deployed for maximal effect on the socio-economic development of the State. We cannot afford to embark on projects that have little or no effect on the well-being of the generality of the people of the State,” he said.

The governor explained that the current economic hardship being experienced occasioned by the removal of fuel subsidy, is a national problem that has been receiving the attention of both the federal and state governments.

“Accordingly, the Bauchi State Government in collaboration with relevant Federal Government Agencies have been taking appropriate measures by providing palliatives in the form of food and non-food items to bring succour to the people. We will continue to work hard to bring the hardship to an end. I would like to appeal for your continued understanding and cooperation as we strive to salvage the situation.

In the spirit of participatory democracy, the governor said inclusiveness would continue to be the hallmark of his administration.

“We would carry along the various segments of the State to give them a sense of belonging. Inputs for good governance of the State would be welcomed from individuals and organizations through appropriate channels. We consider every resident in the State a stakeholder. As stakeholders therefore you have roles to play either as individuals or groups, in the socio-economic development of our dear State.

“In conclusion, I would like to state that the trust and confidence you have reposed in us would not be taken for granted. We have re-strategized to faithfully justify the confidence by providing more dividends of democracy across the State. I humbly appeal for your continued support, cooperation and understanding as we strive to make Bauchi State a place that we will all be proud of,” he added.

Governor Dikko Umaru Radda of Katsina State, issued a stirring call for unity, tolerance, and unwavering support for the nation’s progress as it confronts formidable challenges.

With reverence for the sacrifices of past heroes and heroines who paved the way for Nigeria’s democratic governance, Radda emphasized the importance of collective action in advancing the nation’s democratic values.

He said, “In honouring Nigeria’s Democracy Day, we pay homage to the indomitable spirit of our forebears who valiantly fought for the freedoms we cherish today,” Governor Radda remarked. “Their legacy inspires us to forge ahead with determination and purpose, united in our quest for a better tomorrow.”

He urged Nigerians to join hands and transcend the boundaries of ethnicity, religion, and political divide to build a Nigeria that embodies the true spirit of democracy – a nation where justice, equality, and opportunity are the cornerstones of our collective greatness.

While extending his warmest felicitations to President Bola Tinubu, and the patriotic people of Katsina State as the nation commemorates another milestone in its democratic journey, Governor Radda acknowledged the trials facing citizens and the nation as a whole. He emphasised the need for collective resilience and determination to overcome these hurdles.

He also extended empathy to those grappling with more pressing issues and reaffirmed his administration’s steadfast commitment to addressing them head-on.

“In this moment of reflection and commemoration, we stand in solidarity with every Nigerian facing adversity,” Governor Radda expressed. “We recognize the challenges that have brought our country to its knees, and we share in the aspirations for a brighter future.”

He underscores the importance of fostering a culture of tolerance and understanding, urging citizens to embrace unity and support for effective governance.

He called on Nigerians to offer prayers and support, recognising that unity and solidarity are indispensable in overcoming the nation’s trials.

“As we confront the obstacles before us, let us cultivate a spirit of tolerance, prayer, and support for effective governance,” Governor Radda urged.

“Together, with resilience and determination, we will surmount the challenges that hinder our progress and forge a path towards a prosperous future.”

The governor reiterated his administration’s commitment to prioritising the welfare of all citizens, and vowed to overcome the prevailing challenges within the lifetime of his tenure.

He pledged to work tirelessly towards building a more equitable, inclusive, and prosperous society for the people of Katsina State.

In the same vein, he expressed his unwavering commitment to inclusive governance, social justice, and economic prosperity for all citizens of the state.

He reaffirmed his pledge to prioritise the welfare of the people, championing policies that empower individuals and communities to thrive in a democratic society.

Recognising the unifying power of shared symbols and values, Radda underscored the importance of every citizen being familiar with and able to recite the national anthem.

With this vision in mind, he has directed the Ministry of Information to spearhead a comprehensive awareness campaign, to educate the populace on the national anthem.

Governor Radda emphasided that familiarity with the national anthem is not only a sign of respect for the country, but also a symbol of unity that transcends ethnic, religious, and regional divides.

He called on all citizens of the state to participate actively in the initiative and encourage communities, schools, and religious institutions to incorporate the learning of the national anthem into their activities.

Ondo Holds Public Lecture On Democracy Day 2024
Theme: “The state of democracy in Nigeria; issues, challenges and the way forward”.

Eno Felicitate President Tinubu, Others
Akwa Ibom State Governor, Pastor Umo Eno congratulated President Tinubu, the leadership of the National Assembly, the Judiciary, Armed Forces and other Nigerians on the occasion of this year’s Democracy Day.

In a goodwill message released by his Chief Press Secretary, Ekerete Udoh, Governor Eno said, “Let me on behalf of the Government and people of Akwa Ibom State, congratulate the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, on this year’s Democracy Day, which also marks 25 years of unbroken democratic rule in our dear nation.

“There is no doubt that our democracy has consolidated, and the traditions, norms and culture have also been deeply internalized by Nigerians.

“Let me thank the 10th National Assembly led by our son, Distinguished Senator Godswill Akpabio, CON, the President of the Senate, for working collaboratively with the Executive Arm to make laws that advance the ideals of democracy and our shared hope and prosperity.

“The judiciary has also played a key role in deepening the consolidation process of our democracy. Above all, we thank the Nigerian people in general and especially my dear Akwa Ibom people for their faith in our democracy and its ennobling ideals.

“Let me also thank the Service Chiefs of the Nigerian Armed Forces and other security agencies, for the great role they have played in strengthening our democratic ethos through the subordination of their roles to civilian control.

“It has been 25 years of growth; of facing challenges associated with nation-building while addressing the needs of the people.

“Even though we still have many miles to travel, the miles we have covered so far give us hope for the journey ahead.

“Let us continue to pray for our leaders and support them in their determined efforts to bring growth and development to our people.

“We must continue to celebrate our diversity and see this as a source of strength rather than an instrument to widen our faultlines and create a further chasm of division.

“Our National Anthem says it all; ‘Though tribes and tongues may differ, in brotherhood we stand.’

“Here in Akwa Ibom State, we will continue to roll our sleeves and work tirelessly across party lines to bring democratic dividends to our people, in line with our ARISE Agenda”; the statement concluded